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Personalize Your Style With Korean Color Analysis

Transform your style by finding your personal color through the Korean color analysis.

Hottest Korean Hairstyle Trends To Try This Year

Check out these Korean hairstyle trends you can try this year!

Graduate In Style With 6 Filipina Influencers and Celebrities

Walk the stage with confidence! This graduation season, take down notes from these 6 Filipina stars.

Aspiring Filipino Dancers To Spotlight Feminism, Gender Oppression

Starting July 19, 2024, Cycles: From Conversations to Choreography will present a series of performances on feminism and misogyny.

Things You Need To Know About Korean Airport Fashion

These Korean celebrities are setting trends with their impeccable airport style.

Y2K Trends In Modern Korean Fashion

Discover how Y2K nostalgia thrives in Korea’s fashion scene.


The runway at Green Sun Hotel became a showcase of the iACADEMY Fashion Design and Technology class of 2024’s visionary capstone projects.

Filipino Student-Artists Hone Skills In Printmaking, Casting, And Prosthetics Workshops

Editions, a series of workshops and talks, empowered young Filipino students with artistic appreciation and technical skills.

Popular Clothing Styles Among Gen Z: Korean Fashion Edition

These clothing styles are the essentials to fulfill a Korean Gen Z fashion experience.

Clothing Pieces For Dressing Up Like Your K-Pop Biases

Pattern your clothing with these fashion styles from your beloved K-pop idols.