Chevron Employees Do Volunteer Work For Sea Turtles, Join Int’l Coastal Cleanup Day

The recent Chevron Philippines cleanup saw a total of 65 volunteers combing the coastline in Batangas.

Chevron Employees Do Volunteer Work For Sea Turtles, Join Int’l Coastal Cleanup Day


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Employees and contractors from Chevron Philippines Inc. or CPI, marketer of Caltex fuels and lubricants, celebrated ‘Volunteer Week’ recently by cleaning up the two-kilometer coastline in San Pascual, which straddles the Chevron Batangas Terminal.

The recent cleanup saw a total of 65 volunteers combing the coastline of any trash or debris that could prevent sea turtles from laying their eggs on the beach. About 210 bags of non-biodegradable trash and 100 bags of biodegradable waste with a total gross weight of 755 pounds (.3422 metric tons) were collected by the volunteers.

The activity is timed for the expected nesting season of the endangered Olive Ridley Sea Turtles that have started coming ashore to lay eggs on the terminal’s sandy beach front since 2012. The annual initiative also coincides with the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Day.

The volunteers were split into two small groups to ensure physical distancing. The participants strictly followed health and safety protocols like wearing face masks and face shields, regular disinfection and taking of BP and thermal scanning prior to the activity.

“The company has once again demonstrated its commitment to promoting viable environmental practices by helping ensure that our shoreline in San Pascual remains safe and clean for Olive Ridley Sea Turtles. The activity also forms part of our Volunteer Week celebration this year, which rolls out social investment programs on human safety, livelihood, and environment,” he adds.

All biodegradable wastes were dumped in a DENR-accredited facility for composting while plastics, rubber, metals and other non-biodegradables were hauled off-site for recycling and proper disposal.

The terminal in Batangas has long been a major facility of Chevron for over 65 years now and its lengthy shoreline has been home to various marine animals such as sea turtles.