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Study Reveals Vaping Can Effectively Help Adults Stop Smoking

An international study shared research on how vaping can encourage an individual slowly stop smoking as their habit.

World Water Day: Nestlé PH Programs Help Tackle Worsening PH Water Problem

Nestle Philippines planned to provide programs that would emphasize water management nationwide in compliance with the celebration of “World Water Day.”

STI College Enriches Learning Experience Through Award-Winning Initiatives

STI College received recognition from the 58th Anvil Awards for its initiatives on giving outstanding learning experiences to its students.

Acts Of Kindness Marks Visayan Electric’s 118th Anniversary

Visayan Electric celebrated its 118th anniversary by giving packed meals to individuals who constantly help to provide betterment in the community.

COMS360 Wins Agency Of The Year In 58th ANVIL Awards

One of PAGEONE Group’s agencies, COMS360, made it to the top after winning "Agency of the Year" at the 58th Anvil Awards and gaining over 20 outstanding honors for public relations tools and programs.

PAGEONE Introduces Platform ‘Storify,’ For Employees’ Convenience On Content-Sharing

PAGEONE unleashes ‘Storify,’ elevating employee productivity and content delivery in the social media landscape.

Benilde Celebrates Women Creators, Innovators On World IP Day

A local university opened a three-day convention highlighting the women innovators for national women's month.

Embassy Of Italy Celebrates Italian Design Day With Masterclasses

The Embassy of Italy in Manila offered masterclasses in Manila in celebration of Italian Design Day.

Emerging Fashion Designers Launch Innovative Debut Collections

Innovative fashion collection from young students are set to present in a runway after doing it virtually due to the pandemic.

6 Tips To Appreciate The Little Things In Life

Whenever you feel drowning to your problems, always remember these little things that you should appreciate in life.